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Do you sponsor?
Can you sponsor me? 


Sorry, but at this stage of the game, I can't really put myself in a position to sponsor anyone.....yet. I would definately show support for whatever your hustle is though. I also would jump at the opportunity to be a sponsor when the brand's up and running at full speed. Patience, friend.

Who does all your designs?
Where do your ideas come from?


The answer is Yours Truly. ALL designs and other imagery are created by me and using Adobe Photoshop.

My ideas range from being inspired by music, typography, photography, colors, anime and other sources to make up a unique design that represents the brand to the fullest. 

How long have you been working on Doc Italy LTD?


It all started in 2002, where I was just drawing clothes for fun while still trying to figure out what I wanted to do in the fututre. After graduating from High School, my first year at CCS (College For Creative Studies) came about and I put the idea for a clothing line on the backburner because I wanted to design cars....right before I switched majors from Industrial Design to Digital Media.


I didn't pick the idea back up until my third year at Marygrove College in 2008, where I had got re-acquainted with basic Screenprinting processes as well as getting tired of wearing everyone else's stuff and decided to make a Clothing line of my own.


It was then that I put my first wave of hand-made designs on display in my Senior Exhibit, along with the first version of the Doc Italy LTD website as its' companion.




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